Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Perth Trip: Day 3

Denham - Monkey Mia - Kalbarri

Monkey Mia
We drove half an hour from Denham to Monkey Mia. It was 7:30am and some dolphins were already waiting. Little gal was afraid of the water at first but after some coaxing, she was standing in line. There were 3 dolphins families and about 10 dolphins that morning. None of us was chosen to feed the dolphins. We didn't stay for a second round as Daddy wanted to take the shotover to view some Dugungs.

The children loves the dolphins

A walk to the pier to take the shotover

Onboard the shotover

Finally a dugung!

Family foto

Journey to Kalbarri
The journey was about 3 hours from Monkey Mia. On the way we stopped by at Shell Beach and Hamelin Pool - Stromatolites.

The coastal view

The ground are made of shells. The miniature cockleshells are 10m deep in places. These shells are peculiar to Shark Bay.

There were no sand... just shells and lots of shells...

There were lots of flies and bees when we walk to view the Stromatolites
Stromatolites were brown rocklike formations, they are made up of modest microbes almost identical to organisms that existed 3500 million years ago. For 2900 million years, these microbes were the only life on earth. By consuming carbon dioxide and releasing oxygen, they were largely responsible for creating earth's atmosphere.

We only managed to reach Kalbarri National Park at 6pm. The visitor center was closed (they only open in the wildflower season). So we proceed directly to The Loop & Nature's Window. There were a few hikes and little gal was afraid. I held her hand and told her "Mama will never let you fall. I promised!" She held my hand and we managed. Little boy peed on me while we took the picture : )

It was about 7pm when we reached the town. Luckily we managed to get a place in "The Edge". It was a nice, clean place and all of us were glad.

We spotted a kangeroo on the way

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